Thursday, December 13, 2018

Packing 101

Happy Thursday, Rhema friends! Time is winding down in this year and it is a time of great reflection. It is a time to identify what you do not want to take with you into the coming year. In fact, I challenged you last week to be intentional and focused on that very thing. Well, today, I want to do the opposite. I want you to consider what you do want to take into the new year and be just as intentional on doing it. You see, it can be just as challenging to accept the new, as it is to let go of the old. You have to have a renewed mind that speaks the forward thinking of Christ. It has to have an “old has passed away; behold the new has come” type of mentality to be successful at this challenge. I believe you can do it! What about you?

Let’s get started! One of the things I know about the Lord is that He is a planner. He is not scrambling at the last minute to put equipment or resources where it is needed. Nope, He has placed exactly what is necessary for every situation in you, ready to be used. You just have to tap into it. You have to call it out. Think about it! Have you been called on at work or church to do something at the last minute and you think you will pass out and not be able to accomplish the task?  However, when you get up, the words flow and all goes well. Why do you think that is? It’s because it is already in you. The Bible says in Psalm 139:16, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (NLT). He is already prepared for every moment that you will face, you just have to trust Him enough to walk in what He put in you.

So what is my point? Take into next year the authority to call your gifts into action when you need them. Take the spiritual boldness to make your election sure and walk powerfully in your calling. Take with you the memory that God knew who you would be before you were born and put you together perfectly for what He has called you to do. Come on, saints of God! This is a call to action for 2019. This is a challenge to step out of the weariness of 2018 and into the refreshing of a new year. Take a renewed energy and a fresh forgiveness towards those that you struggled with this year. I have seen too many people dying suddenly for me to worry with old grudges and past hurts. Therefore, here’s my public announcement to any and all that need to see it! If you are still mad at me in 2019, you’re on your own! If you are still offended by something that I don’t know about, might as well throw it up! If you need to get something off your chest, please schedule it before 11:59pm on December 31st because old things are not on my list to take with me. I am jumping off the rollercoaster ride and stepping peacefully onto firm ground. God has big things for you and me next year. Do not miss it with pettiness!

Alright, everyone got it? Take with you what is edifying to your spirit and cleansing to your soul. Take joy, peace, and freedom. Take boldness, power, and authority. I am getting excited now! Why? Because I am picturing a whole army of soldiers that are empowered to take the world back for the Kingdom. I see pastors, apostles, evangelists, prophets, and teachers taking their rightful places with boldness. I feel the upward call of God in Christ Jesus covering what lies behind and pushing you forward to what lies ahead. Yessssss! Its time! Come on, 2019, I’ve got something for you!


1 comment:

Von said...

This message is “Rhema”! It spoke in the midst of my right now situation and shifted my response. Thank you for your “yes “