Thursday, February 15, 2018

Check your story!

I was in an interview this morning and the woman that I was speaking with said, “Behavior tells a story.” The statement made an immediate impact on me so I wrote it down. As I got up from prayer for Rhema, my eyes kept landing on my note. I began to hear questions in my mind. What is your behavior saying to God? What story is your behavior telling the people at your job, at your church, etc.? What happened in the course of your story that has contributed to your behavior? What are you not dealing with? They just kept coming. How is your behavior affecting your children’s story? Is your behavior writing a positive story that draws people to you and Christ? Is it running people away and negatively reflecting who God is? So many things from this one little statement. The Lord led me to this thought. Is it time for an edit?

 I’ve written quite a few things in my life and I often help people with proofreading and editing their work. My eyes are immediately drawn to grammatical errors and I absolutely lose my mind if I have sent a text and notice a typo after hitting send. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines editing as to prepare (something written) to be published or used: to make changes, correct mistakes; to prepare (a film, recording, photo, etc.) to be seen or heard: to change, move, or remove parts. Sometimes you can be so caught up in living your life your way that you don’t take the time to see what needs to be corrected. You may be comfortable or surrounded by people that constantly boost you and miss the moments where you need to do a self-examination. I have found that a good edit can change the whole piece that I am working on. Do you need to go back and correct any mistakes? Have you not acknowledged your wrongs and made them right? Have you left some people or some habits in your life that need to be removed? Is it time for an edit?

Proverbs 18:15 in the Message Translation says, “Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” You see, when you are paying attention to what the Lord is saying to you or showing you, you will accept correction and use it for your benefit. People that refuse to have their work edited, because they are so in love with what they wrote, always miss an opportunity for an even better piece. So many Christians’ behavior is telling a story that is hurtful to them and the Kingdom. It is a story that speaks hurt and unforgiveness. It is a story that has bitterness threaded through the scenes and a past that has not been dealt with. I believe the Lord is calling His people to self-examination more than ever before. “It’s judgement time for God’s own family. We’re first in line. If it starts with us, think what it’s going to be like for those who refuse God’s Message!” (1 Peter 4:17 MSG) If you want your story to be one that draws people to Christ, check your behavior. Check your choices and your crew. Check your fruit. Make sure that you are not allowing pride, fear, or comfort keep you from a life that is pleasing to God. Is it time for an edit?

The best kind of editor believes in your story and wants to see you have the best piece possible. They make the necessary cuts, condense the right places, and modify what needs to be fixed to bring about a smooth and readable work. God is the best kind of editor! He stays with you through the process and highlights the areas that need to be worked on. The key is being open to the correction and understanding that it is for your good. Remember, “no discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.” (Heb. 12:11 NLT)  May your edits result in a story that reflects who you serve!


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