Thursday, October 19, 2017

Have you found the right thing?

The other morning, while in the shower, I heard the Lord say something critical. He said, “You’ve lost some things in your life, but you have found the right thing.” I have replayed those words repeatedly this week. He has kept it before me and reminded me at key times throughout this week. I have had to share it with others and I’ve had to hear it for myself. Just now as I was struggling through what I thought was supposed to be the post for today, He said it again. Therefore, I am going to stop struggling and be obedient.  That last sentence is a word all by itself but I digress.

Listen, you are going to lose some things in this life. People are going to disappoint you and your relationships will change. God is going to move you to a different place in Him and your church might change. You will make decisions that cause you to lose money or homes or jobs. You WILL lose some things! But today, God wants me to remind you that if you have Him, you have found the RIGHT thing. The Lord then dropped Proverbs 18:22 in my spirit. It reads, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.” Ummmmmm…not quite where I thought we were going with this but it was not to the wedding scripture of the year! However, the Lord told me to look at it again. He re-translated it for me and it jumped off the page for me as “a person that finds a God ordained covenant finds a good thing and obtains favor.” Ohhhhhhh! That’s what marriage is, right? It is the first institution of God, it is holy, and it is personal. If you have committed yourself to the Lord with your heart and your spirit, and you tell Him that He is your Lord and Savior, you are essentially married to Him. You are in relationship. You are in covenant just like Christ with the church. Therefore, if you have found Him, you don’t need to worry with what you have lost. This scripture speaks to what you gain when you find what He has purposed for you.

Maybe I am being too deep so let me put it in Ebony terms. I do not care what man says about you or does to you; they do not define your next step unless you allow them to. If they leave you, turn their backs on you, disappoint you, it does not matter. They cannot give you what God already has stored up for you. In other words, stop worrying about what is no longer with you. Stop crying over WHO is no longer with you. Some things and some people were not meant to stay. They were placed in your life to teach you, grow you, and show you who you are. How you interacted with those people/experiences and how they affected you was all about getting you to your next place, either through pain or through joy. Your responsibility is to see that for what it is and go forward with God. Why? Because you have found what you need in Jesus. You have found the good thing!

Think about this! Many women really want a baby. They have prayed and waited, perhaps even tried to make it happen in various ways. However, a baby will not replace the stability and joy of Jesus Christ. That little person, no matter how cute, cannot give you wholeness. Nope, it’s only the Lord that does that. He can use the baby, the marriage, or the job for your benefit and His glory but it is Him and not the person or thing that does it. Find yourself in Him and the result will be favor. Stop looking for peace in people and find it in the One who gives it beyond all understanding. Stop searching for wisdom from man and find it in the One who gives it liberally and without reproach. Stop looking for love and fulfillment and find it in the One who gives it unconditionally. You may have lost some things in your life but I promise you that if you have found Him, you have the right thing!


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