Thursday, August 10, 2017

Future so bright...

Last week, I invited you to say goodbye to foolishness. It was a challenge that I felt deep in my soul. One that stretched some of you to look some people, situations, and circumstances in the face and tell them farewell! Well today, I want to invite you to say hello to your future. You might ask what the two have to do with one another and it’s an easy answer. You can’t walk into your next place carrying the baggage and weight of your yesterday. You can’t walk freely in your tomorrow if you are holding on to the struggle and the fear of what was. You see, foolishness has taken up a lot of your time.  And by foolishness I mean the people, places, and things that God has separated you from that you keep trying to hold on to. If you haven’t already, I want to encourage you today to change your perspective completely. Turn your face toward your future and begin to welcome it. The old stuff is behind you and freedom, peace, and deliverance await you on the other side. If you will just take the step of courage, you will see and feel the breaking and shifting that you have been seeking.

You see God is on the side of your future. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Do you see that? It’s future tense. It’s telling you that what you leave behind won’t be allowed to take you out because God will be there. It’s telling you that no matter how the people react or how the situation turns out, you have a safeguard. You have a promise that God won’t let fear or dismay be your end result. **Insert praise break** Yes!!!  Isn’t that good news? Jeremiah 29:11 says that He has plans for you and they are for a future and a hope. And guess what? Your future is full! Why? Because if God is with you then love, strength, and peace are with you. Isn’t that God? He is the All Sufficient One!

So get up, let’s say hello to that future! God does not want you holding on to your past when He knows what He has in store for you at the end. Come on saints, you’ve wasted enough of your shifting time because you’ve been scared of the movement! No mam! No sir! It’s time to say hello to your next. I mean…LISTEN…it’s time.  Today, I am speaking freedom over you! I am speaking life into your future! I am cancelling every chokehold that has held you attached to your past. You need to dance right over those chains and into your joy! And can I tell you that there is no dance like a freedom dance?! Hello, future! I’m ready for you!

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