Thursday, October 13, 2016

It's finishing time!

A few minutes ago, I heard the Lord say, “Finish what you start.” I’m pretty sure it was in response to my desire and plan to pass on Rhema today after a day of traveling. The more I listened, I realized that it was also an encouragement not only for me but for you. You see, I understand the struggle that overtakes you when you have been working on something for a long time but still can't see the end in sight. I know the pain of waiting for a promise to manifest when you feel like you've given your all. I even get just being plain tired and not wanting to fight or work anymore. But can I just encourage you today that there is joy and peace in the finishing? It might not feel like it today but the Lord wanted me to tell you to press to the end and finish what you have started.

God is so amazing that He can say something so simple and it apply to a variety of situations. As I started writing, I  heard Him say everything from completing books, to staying the course in marriages, to praying for that person until you see the change. Through it all, He just kept repeating the same phrase – finish what you started. It was almost like the chorus of a song and the list of projects and instructions were the verses. He was adamant that I encourage you to get to the end of that thing. You see, sometimes the enemy will dress himself up as distraction and frustration and attempt to take you away from completing your assignment. You begin to look at what's in front of you instead of the victory that God promised you at the end of the assignment. But can I just remind you that if He told you to do something, He has equipped you to finish it? He has given you exactly what you need to get it done. Even if you had to take a break, even if you veered off path, even if you wanted to give up, you have what it takes. He didn't give you an assignment without seeing you at the end of it! Finish what you started!

As I close out, God sent me to Ecclesiastes 7:8 in the Message and it says, “Endings are better than beginnings. Sticking to it is better than standing out.” You see, sometimes you have to remind yourself that God is a finisher! When He started creating the world, He made a lot of amazing things but He didn't declare it was good until He finished. When Christ walked the earth for those 33 years, He did some powerful and life changing miracles but our salvation was not assured until He completed the assignment. The journey and the process are incredibly valuable but you have to get to the destination to be able to look back on it and see what you endured. It's time to finish what you started. Get up, brush yourself off, straighten your clothes up and get back in the race. No more delays. No more allowing setbacks to throw you off. No more watching others get to goal while you stall. God is with you and as long as you obey His instructions, you will get there. Let's go…its finishing time!



Unknown said...

This was definitely a word for me! Thanks for sharin .

Unknown said...

This was definitely a word for me! Thanks for sharin .