Thursday, July 7, 2016

Lift Him Up!

I’ve been thinking a lot about Jesus lately. Not that you shouldn’t think about Him a lot but in a more intentional way. I think sometimes believers don’t really recognize who He is or how blessed you are to know Him as your personal Lord and Savior. I’ve been to a couple of funerals lately and to sit in there and know that they knew Jesus is truly amazing! It lightens the load when you don’t have to question where a person will spend eternity. Just think about this! There are people that are dying that will end up in hell because they didn’t know Him as Savior. There are people sick right now that have no hope because they don’t know Jesus as Healer. There are people struggling with depression because they don’t know Him as Deliverer. Isn’t that eye opening? Doesn’t it make you want to ensure that everyone you know is saved? It does for me! I would be a hot mess if I didn’t know to call on the name of Jesus in my everyday situations and the big circumstances that come my way. If I couldn’t say without a shadow of doubt that I am saved and bought with a price! So today, I just want to lift up the name of Jesus!

It’s too easy to go about your life being churchy and not having relationship. You know what I mean? Quoting scripture with accuracy and not living one word of it. It’s become too simple to do what your pastor says but ignore the Lord’s commands. Today, I want to draw your attention back to Jesus! I want to focus your eyes on the One who gave His life for you even though He knew you would be mean sometimes, lie and do what you want to do. I want to lift up the One who died for you while you were yet a sinner. You see, I’m tired of listening to Christian radio and being confused about what station I’m on. I’m tired of seeing men and women, boys and girls dying because their skin color presented a threat. I’m tired of the enemy having the spotlight. It’s time for us to go back to being unashamed. It’s time for us to be good representatives of Christ. Jesus himself said it best in John 12:32 when He said, “If I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” He will do all the work, if we just do our part by lifting Him up!

Saints, time is growing short and I want you to be ready! I want every one of you that reads Rhema to be able to say that you really know Jesus! I want you to know that you know that you know who you serve. It’s time to take our focus off of man and put it back on Christ. I know that this doesn’t sound very Rhema like but my responsibility is to encourage and uplift the people of God. The best way I know to do that is to present Jesus! He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end! He is the Victorious One and the One who gave His life. I challenge you today to stop worrying about what might be or what could happen and look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. He has all that you need and more than you could imagine. Let’s lift up the name of Jesus and watch Him draw the world back to Himself!


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