Thursday, June 4, 2015

All things are working for your good!

Every week, I wake up with the belief that God has a right now, rhema word to share with you. It’s usually pretty fleshed out with examples and analogies and semi deep thoughts. But today, I woke up with the refrain of a song playing in my head over and over again. It’s pretty simple but immensely powerful. I kept hearing Travis Greene sing “All things are working for my good. He’s intentional, never failing.” It was on repeat and I felt immediately that someone needed to be reminded of that. You see, no matter what circumstance you are facing, God is working. Whether it’s grief, uncertainty, worry, sickness, divorce, God is One that cannot fail. So, lean in really close and listen carefully to what the Lord wants you to know today. Ready? Here goes…you’re going to be alright. That’s it! That’s what He said.

I imagine that when you read that statement, some of you rolled your eyes. Some wanted to slap me and some made some sort of grunting sound. I feel you! But let me explain it to you the way God gave it to me. What you are experiencing is real. That overwhelming tiredness that you feel from dealing with the same issue for so long is real. That underlying anger that you are dealing with because someone you loved is now gone is real. That nagging stress that you battle from waiting for your answer is real. It’s all completely understandable but what it is not, is the end. You see, God isn’t thinking on your level or anywhere near. His thinking is way above ours and it’s way ahead. He’s not looking at you and seeing your right now. He’s looking at you and seeing the finished product. He’s seeing how that tiredness transitioned into a testimony on how to overcome that blessed many others. He’s seeing how that anger shaped your compassion for others who suffer. He’s seeing how that stress shifted to a strength that encouraged someone else to wait.  He’s seeing His finished work in you!  You’re going to be alright.

Okay…let me give you the Word. I’ve written on Romans 8:28 many times before but that’s what God is saying today. I guess He’s going to keep giving it to me until you and I can stand confidently knowing that God isn’t playing with our emotions or making decisions haphazardly. Nope! He’s got a plan and He is working it even while we wait through our valleys and circumstances. See what Paul tells us

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. (Rom. 8: 26-28, MSG) 

Are you hearing me, Pastor? The weight of carrying those people and sometimes feeling inadequate is real but you’re going to be alright. God knows even what you can’t speak out loud and is working all of those details out! Are you hearing me, woman of God? The pressure of being what others think you should be instead of what God has told you is real but you’re going to be alright! God is positioning you to do the assignment and working all of the details out! Are you hearing me, man of God? The stress of being the leader when you feel like giving up is real but you’re going to be alright! God is pruning you and preparing you for the next level but no fear, God is working all of the details out.

YOU ARE GOING TO BE ALRIGHT! God knows what He is doing and He is working things out for your good! Psalm 139 says that He knows everything about you because He made you! So, if He made you, don’t you think He knows what you’re made of? He knows what you can handle but more than that He knows where you will end up! Trust Him and remember that what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later! (Rom. 8:18 MSG) You’re going to be alright because all things are working for your good!

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