Thursday, February 5, 2015

Right here...

This was one of those days when any and everything got in between me and Rhema. I had an early meeting and multiple Skype interviews and my mind was just not where it needed to be. It can be a bit stressful but it’s not new so I simply waited it out. God has given me this assignment and despite what life throws at me, I know that I have been called to write this blog until my assignment changes. I believe the Lord had me to share that little testimony with you so that you could catch hold to what He wants to say next. Are you ready? Here goes! You are right where you are supposed to be. And there you have it. God has you in this moment, this season, this place for a reason and until the vision or promise or assignment has come to pass, you need to walk in it. Do not let stress, frustration, or distraction keep you from what God told you. He wants you to know that what He has showed you doesn’t change because the enemy rears his head. It’s not aborted because something didn’t go quite the way you envisioned. No! As a matter of fact, it just gives God more room to work.  You are right where you are supposed to be.

When I opened my online bible app today, the scripture of the day jumped out at me. It was confirmation to me that God wants you to keep pushing towards the promise that He gave you. “For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything He does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.” (Ps. 33: 4-5, NLT) God doesn’t lie and He doesn’t change so if He said it, you can count on it. He has a plan and a purpose for your life and His unfailing love is constantly surrounding you and carrying you towards your destiny.  You are right where you are supposed to be.

When I heard the call to ministry, I just knew that God had made a mistake. Surely, when He was handing out assignments, my name was mixed up with another Ebony Bryant. I mean, come on! I am nowhere near worthy of the responsibility or weight that comes with sharing His word with other people.  I struggled with the call and to be perfectly honest, I fought it tooth and nail. But what I found out was that all I was doing was delaying the purpose He had for my life. I was holding onto a word, a message, an encouragement that someone needed. And guess what? God has need of YOU! It may not fit into what your plan was for your life but He has brought you to this place of preparation, transition and for some you, manifestation so that you can do what only you were created to do. You are right where you are supposed to be.

So today, I am speaking to your spirit man! Rise up, Pastor! There are people that are waiting on you to lead them to their next level. Don’t let stress distract you. Rise up, Intercessor! There are people waiting on you to pray them through. Don’t let emotionalism distract you. Rise up, Prophetess! There are people waiting on you to speak the Word clearly and directly. Don’t let the journey distract you. Rise up, Volunteer! There are people waiting on you to help and support them in their hard place. Don’t let a title distract you. God has you right here for a reason and it’s time to stop letting battles, things and people that are not meant for you to handle, distract you from what God is doing in you. You are right where you are supposed to be and the good news is that God is right there with you.


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