Thursday, August 21, 2014

SHUT UP, doubt!

Calling all doubters! Are there any doubters in the house? Anyone? Hello? Anyone? Christians have a hard time using the word doubt in relation to God. You will be hard pressed to get anyone, especially inside the church building to admit that they have doubted God. It very well might be true but it’s hard to say it. Well, let’s walk in truth today! Some of you are doubters, probably more like A LOT of you are doubters but I don’t want to scare you. You may be asking why I would say such a thing! Not you! But this morning God gave me a twist on this doubt thing that caused me to sit up in my seat. He said, ‘if you don’t believe you can do what I’ve told you to do then you doubt Me.’ Wait! Ummmmm…God? Isn’t that a little harsh? I mean, just because I don’t see how little me could accomplish that pretty BIG thing you are asking me to doesn’t mean I doubt you. Does it? Wait…really…does it? I realized in that moment that God simply wants you to realize that everything you need is in Him. You are not being asked to go farther in ministry because He wants you to suffer. Nope, He wants you to grow! You are not being asked to repair that relationship because He wants you to go backwards. Nope, He wants you to lead! You are not being asked to intercede because He wants you to be lonely. Nope He wants you to build! You see before you can truly move into what God is calling you to, you have to trust the God in you. You have to know that what He has brought you to, He has equipped you for. So…the word for today is Shut up, doubt!

COMMERCIAL BREAK: Before I go any further, I have to say one thing. As God has been talking to me about stretching and doing what He says, He has been showing me that some have thought to themselves that this doesn't apply to them. Have you had that thought? Perhaps you are thinking that He isn't calling you to preach or open a business so this is a little too deep. But if He has told you to pray more, this is for you! If He has told you witness to your cousin, this is for you! If He has told you to step out of your religious box, this is for you! God is preparing all of His people for the work of His Kingdom and your particular gift or assignment is needed right now! Ok...back to your regularly scheduled program!
 As I was preparing this morning, The Lord highlighted 2 Corinthians 9 for me. In this chapter, Paul is talking to the Church at Corinth about giving to the believers in Jerusalem. It gives some clear instruction and advice about giving financially but God highlighted one verse for me in relation to moving from doubting to doing in your life. Paul says in verse 8, And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. Sounds to me that God is able to provide for whatever you need with His grace and not just barely but with an abundance. I like the way the Message puts it. “God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. See? He will also make sure you are ready! Read the verses prior to this one and you will find that Paul talks about giving cheerfully. So it seems to me that the goal is to accept what God is leading you to with a cheerful heart and spirit and He will take care of the rest because ultimately you are sharing the gifts that God has given to you! Don’t let doubt take your cheer in doing the work of the Lord. Shut up, doubt!

The other thing God reminded me of today was to be aware of the voices that you hear. You cannot allow a doubt in your abilities to morph into fear. You see the enemy would love you to abort your assignment. He would be delighted to see you take him at his word and stay in the same place out of fear. I believe at the heart of doubt is just an unbelief that God could use you in the way He is telling you. Do you remember that Moses was a murderer that didn’t speak well? His first words when God told him that he would lead the people out of Egypt were NOT ME! Is that you? It was definitely me. When I FINALLY accepted the call to ministry, it was after fighting the enemy’s constant reminders of who I had been, who I still was, and what I couldn’t or had never done. After listening to all of that, I was literally scared out of my mind to go forward. But I had to keep combatting Satan with “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” (2Tim. 1:7 NKJV) So if that’s true, I am strong enough to go forward in whatever God has called me to. If I really believe that verse then the power that God has put inside of me outweighs any messages from the enemy. It also means that God has given me so much love and the wisdom to accomplish what He has set before me. That means “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13 NKJV) So…SHUT UP, DOUBT!

This is your season to walk into that new business, that new ministry, that book. You can no longer afford to allow yourself to miss out on your breakthrough because you are afraid of the assignment. God believes in you, otherwise He wouldn’t have told you to do it. You have to remember that where you see you and your limitations, God sees the finished product. He sees the full vision and it is beautiful! So rise up, author! Rise up, preacher! Rise up, entrepreneur! Rise up, leader! It’s your time so scream out loud…SHUT UP, doubt!

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