Thursday, April 3, 2014

Keep Pressing!

There was an old church song that we used to sing when I was growing up called Keep Pressing On. I can still hear Mr. Blue Mayo singing it today. He would lead the Gospel Choir in... "Keep pressing on! Keep pressing on! Trials of the world seem to get you down. Keep pressing on round by round don't let Satan block your way. Keep pressing on!" Even as a child, I loved the message of motivation and faith to keep going no matter what the enemy tries to do. Today is about giving you the encouragement to keep going in your life, in your calling, in your job...whatever it is that is frustrating you. God is saying don't give up! Keep pressing on!

"I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” (Philippians 3:12-14 MSG) Paul was talking to the Philippians about giving it all to Christ when he makes this statement. We think of Paul as this great apostle that had massive amounts of wisdom and faith, which he did but he was also always real about who he was and his shortcomings. So tell me this, if this great man of God can "press on" as he says in the New King James Version, despite persecution and frustration, why can't you? God does not play favoritism. He has given you access to the same power and authority that he gave Paul. The difference is often how the access is used. Paul went hard when he was working for the world so when he got access to Kingdom knowledge, he went into overdrive and never gave up even in the face of danger, man, and death. What have you given into?  Have you let the stresses of the world weigh you down to the point of stagnation? Have you let man's opinion tear your nerves up to the point of frustration? I'm here today to tell you to get up and keep pressing on. God has a purpose for your life and it must be fulfilled and it can't be done in your closet. Keep pressing on!

Let's be real. There are very few smooth roads in life. You will encounter bumps and potholes and accidents. But how you handle those encounters is how you reach your goal. You have to remember that if you persevere through the testing, there is reward at the end. Hey! I'm not saying that the fire isn't hot and uncomfortable and often painful but Christ is there tending the fire. He is burning away everything that you don't need. What would happen if you gave up right before He pulled you out of the fire? What gift would you miss out on? What promotion would you forfeit? What refreshing would you discard? You HAVE to keep going! You are the only one that can complete the assignment that He has given you. The pain has a purpose and the process has an end. Keep pressing on!

Child of God, you are called to great things! What you are experiencing is all designed to get you to the expected end. I challenge you today to look in the mirror and encourage yourself. That's what David did! Tell yourself that the calling is worth it! The job is worth it!  The child or baby is worth it! The marriage is worth it! Remind yourself of the goal and press towards it. Matthew 5:16 reminds us to "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Can God get the glory if you throw in the towel? Nope! Be encouraged, my friend! God is up to something awesome...AMEN

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