Thursday, September 19, 2013

Go on and LIVE!

I have had enough of Satan. Great way to start this blog of encouragement, huh? I know...not really but it's true. I am tired of watching the news and seeing how he has taken over and confused the mind of a man to the point that he goes and kills 12 innocent people. I am tired of seeing a young man that knew The Lord reach a point in his life where he felt that he had nothing to live for and went actively seeking death. I am tired of seeing people misuse their titles and positions, whether in church or government or the workplace to massage their own ego. I have quite simply had enough of Satan. He is actively after the minds and lives of the people of God. John 10: 10 tells us plainly that he seeks to kill, steal and destroy but the great news is that Christ counteracts and overcomes all that he is out to do. As I searched for peace in what seemed to be a week filled with sadness, I was reminded that we serve a God of love and compassion. He is the answer to all of life's tragedies and concerns. It's often hard when you are in the midst of grief or transition to always feel Him but trust that He is there. Today, My instructions from the Lord were quite simple. He said "Speak life."

God cracks me up with that! He will tell me to write about something that I may have struggled with in that week. I had a couple of days this week where I wanted to roll around in my circumstances. I didn't want to encourage anyone...didn't even have the energy to try. I just wanted to feel sorry for myself. I know y'all think I am completely crazy but it's true. I had to call on some folks to pray me through. One morning, I found myself in my prayer time, crying out to God and asking Him all sorts of whys and He said "Get up and praise Me." It kind of caught me off guard and I sat up. He continued to speak and basically set me straight. It's nothing like when God calls you to the office and essentially lays you out. He reminded me that what I say and think has power and it has consequences. I can defeat Satan and Revelations 12:9 tells me how. It says "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the WORD of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death." Don't forget that power you hold! The enemy wants nothing more than to take your mind and your life. You must speak like you want to win.

Saints, it's time out for doubt. If you have been held up by confusion or hesitancy, it's time to step out from behind your hiding place. God is waiting for you to trust Him enough to live. Fear of where your gifts and calling wants to take you is keeping you from your abundant life. Worrying about how you will survive this season of lack, is keeping you from walking in your abundance. Trying to figure out how to make your family line up is keeping you from living in abundant peace. You see when God told me to speak life, He also said to tell you what kind of life. The abundant life! No matter what Satan has said about you, it can't hold up to what God says. Satan says die, Christ says live. Satan says lack, Christ says supply. Satan says chaos, Christ says peace. No matter what the enemy comes up with, Christ has the answer.

So, today I simply say LIVE. That's it...LIVE! Cast down whatever the enemy has tried to kill you with. You are an overcomer! If you can't see it automatically, look back at your testimony and see how the power of God's love gave you life over and over again...LIVE! "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit-you choose." (Prov. 18:21 MSG) Today, you win!

Love to each of you! Amen...

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