Thursday, June 20, 2013

Breathe on me...

This morning I found myself in Ezekiel 37 for the second time this week. It’s always an interesting Word to tackle because there is so much there. In case you aren’t familiar with this particular scripture, this is where God has shown Ezekiel in the spirit a valley of dry bones that represent the nation of Israel.  I encourage you to read it for yourself because it’s a beautiful and vibrant visual.  In the midst of it, God tells Ezekiel to prophesy over these dry bones and tell them to listen to His word.  Today, God is speaking into your life and He is telling you to live. I don’t mean get by or make do with what you have but really…LIVE. Too many people in the body of Christ are living in drought. Their worship is dry, their spirit is dry, and their relationship is dry. It’s almost as if the journey just dried the life right out. It can be seen every Sunday in churches across the country. People serving out of duty instead of desire, tradition instead of freedom, showboat instead of worship. Our bones are crying out like Israel. Then God said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Listen to what they’re saying: ‘Our bones are dried up, our hope is gone, there’s nothing left of us.” (Ez. 37:11 MSG) Today, God is speaking LIFE to our bones. He is declaring renewal and restoration over our lives and our spirits. He wants us to realize that He is God and He will do what He says.

I just want you to focus your attention on verses 13 & 14. The New King James Version really made me feel it this morning. It says “Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves.  I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,” says the Lord.’” You see, the people of Israel had been in exile for years and they were at the point of giving up. They had lost hope and all they saw was death. It’s similar to us when we have entered a valley season or experience. We look around and all we see is drought. We’re worn out from fighting. We’re worn out from working. We’re even worn out from hoping. It’s an exile. But God is saying to us in this verse that He will bring your out of your dead place and transport to your home. And even better, when He brings you out, He is going to fill you with His Spirit and you shall live. He says that you will know that He spoke it and He did it! That’s a word for somebody!

You see, earlier in the chapter, God told Ezekiel to prophesy the wind to come into these bodies and they received life. There is a point where God takes over. It’s that point when He sees that you have given all you have to give. It’s that point when He knows that you have reached your valley. It’s at that point, where He will send you a Word that will bring you back to life. He’s doing it right now. He is telling you to LIVE! He is filling your spirit with His breath and He is raising you up. He is offering you that cup of water that will refresh and renew you. Are you ready to live now? For many of you this is not the first time, God has offered this life but you’ve thought your way was working. It’s time now. Do you know how I know? In the second part of this chapter (verses 15-28), God gives Ezekiel another visual showing that He will connect Judah and Israel. They will be one kingdom under one king forever. I had never really paid attention to this section but it’s so relevant. When I read it, I heard God say that He will bring together even what has been separated. He doesn’t just want to bring you back to life and it only be one dimensional. He wants to fully restore and redeem. Where there is brokenness and sin, He will deliver and cleanse. Where there is chaos, He will give peace. And when He does it, it will be permanent. You shall live and not die! You shall walk in wholeness and peace. You shall LIVE!

May the breath of God wash over you today and revive you and give life to your dead places! AMEN…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I needed that. Great post, keep them coming.