Thursday, April 25, 2013

Box?! What box?

I know you’ve heard the old saying, “you can’t get a different result doing the same things.” Well…that’s essentially what God said to me earlier this week in prayer. He basically challenged me to do more. He wants to give us all that we desire but we often get in the way with our traditions and routines. God is all about order but He’s not about limits. So why do we find ourselves giving Him the same time and the same praise and but expecting these great blessings?  That’s why King David is such an interesting character. He was a man after God’s own heart that made mistakes but always acknowledged the power and presence of God. The best thing to me though is how he didn’t believe God could only do things one kind of way so he went HARD in praise!

Remember the story of David and Goliath? What an awesome testimony about defeating the giants in your life. When he was mocked by the Philistines and Goliath, he spoke a word of crazy faith. He stood there with his stones and sling and said, You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!” (1 Sam. 17:45-47 NLT) And it came to pass. Folks, we do not serve a routine God! If you have faith to stand with your stones and sling, He can destroy those big situations and issues that you face. Are you ready to step out of the box?

I love the story when David is bringing the Ark of the Lord to Jerusalem in 2 Samuel 6. His friend Uzzah dies during this journey because he touches the Ark despite instructions not to and David is afraid of and angry with God. He leaves the Ark with someone else for 3 months because he was unwilling to take it with him. This is so powerful though because it tells us that no matter where the presence of God is, there are blessings. While the Ark of God was there, Obed-Edom and his entire household were blessed. (v.11) Think about that for a minute. Out of someone else’s unwillingness, that man got blessed because he was willing and available. What blessings are you missing out on because you refuse to go all the way with what God is telling you to do?

Back to the story! My favorite part of the whole story is David’s reaction when he got the Ark back and brought it into the Jerusalem. They rejoiced and praised and “David danced before the Lord with all his might…” (v. 14) Do y’all see that? He was so excited that the presence of God was with him that he went forth in a serious praise dance. Wooooooo! I love it! God created us to worship Him and He inhabits the praises of His people. It’s time to stop worrying about what Sister Sue is going to say about you if you clap your hands. It’s time to put Bro. Bill to the back of your mind when God says witness to your co-worker. It’s time to cancel out the distractions of the enemy, when God says spend an hour in prayer and meditation. He wants more of us!

 I love what David told Michal at the end of the chapter. She was bitter to begin with but she was especially furious that David danced so wildly in public and called him out. David replied to Michal, “In God’s presence I’ll dance all I want! He chose me over your father and the rest of your family and made me prince over God’s people, over Israel. Oh yes, I’ll dance to God’s glory—more recklessly even than this. And as far as I’m concerned . . . I’ll gladly look like a fool . . . but among these maids you’re so worried about, I’ll be honored no end.”  (2 Sam. 6: 21-22 MSG) The NKJV says “I will get even more undignified than this”! In other words he was saying, my praise is not for you or anybody else, it’s for the God that chose me and blessed me and I’ll give it all to him.”

We are living in a time where people get mad at you for posting scriptures on Facebook or say you’re doing too much if you witness to people outside of the church. But let me tell you something. Your reward doesn’t come from man or anyone in this world. It comes from God.  God wants to do something so amazing in your life but He requires you to give something – your time, your praise, and your faith. Don’t let the world encourage you to limit God or keep you in a box. There is so much more!

Do something new with God this week …revitalize your relationship with Him…upgrade your praise and worship…if you've been kept in a box, smash it! I promise you will go higher in Him! God bless…


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