Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

This morning I began to think about the different paths that we take in life. We make choices every day that determine where our lives will go. God gives us guidance through His Word, about what to do but in a lot of cases we don’t follow His direction. We want what we want, even if it’s not the best thing for us.  I mean, as I have grown in my relationship with God, I try harder to not react without hearing from Him first, but I still fall short sometimes and get caught up in what my flesh wants. But it’s time to make a choice. It’s time to do a spot check on our lives. Where are we headed and is it the right path?

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the bible with 176 verses and 22 stanzas of 8 verses each, one stanza for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It’s an amazing chapter and teaches us so much about engaging the Lord and following His commandments. Through various scenarios, it always comes back to how much better our lives can be if we follow God’s rules and regulations for our lives. Lord, you are mine! I promise to obey your words! With all my heart I want your blessings. Be merciful as you promised.  I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws.”(verses 57-59, NLT)

I believe that brings us to a choice…a crossroads of sorts. Your crossroads may not be like mine. Your choice may not be mine. Maybe it’s choosing to forgive that person and move forward. Maybe it’s deciding that you can’t fix that situation by yourself. Maybe it’s saying that how you’ve been living your life is not satisfying you anymore and you need a change. Whatever it is, the opportunity is here! So, let’s do it together! Get up, shake that weight off! Stop trying to figure things out on your own. Stop trying to make your choice the right one when God has told you something else in very clear terms. Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.  Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.  They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.” (verses 1-3, NLT)

Now, I don’t want to set you up! Sometimes going God’s way doesn’t bring immediate results. It may feel like you’ve been waiting for a long time but I encourage you to hold on. Remind God of what He has told you “Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.” (verses 49-50, NLT) We don’t always understand why God leads us in a particular path, but isn’t it funny how when we follow what He says, it makes sense in the end? God’s ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are higher but know that He always has a plan! Even when you feel like you’re holding on by your fingernails, keep holding on. He won’t let you fall!

God wants us to live fulfilling lives and that always comes down to what paths we take. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7: 13-14 NIV) My hope and prayer is that we all find the road to life! I promise you that it’s worth the price of admission!

Be blessed…AMEN!

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