Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journey to Faith

This morning I found myself in Judges 6 reading the story of Gideon. It’s a familiar story but one that really speaks to trusting God in your journey even when you don’t know where it’s leading you. The people of Israel are once again in a desperate situation for being evil and disobedient to the Lord. They are in terrible poverty because of the Midianites. The angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and tells him that God is with him. Gideon can’t understand how that could be possible because first of all, he looks at his people’s situation and has determined that God has abandoned them. Doesn’t that sound like us? We live how we want to and cut up and then the consequences come and we forget what we did wrong but blame God for leaving us.  That’s basically what Gideon is saying.

“But God faced him directly: "Go in this strength that is yours. Save Israel from Midian. Haven't I just sent you?" Gideon said to him, "Me, my master? How and with what could I ever save Israel? Look at me. My clan's the weakest in Manasseh and I'm the runt of the litter." God said to him, "I'll be with you. Believe me, you'll defeat Midian as one man."  (Judges 6:14-16, MSG) This one passage spoke volumes to me. We often get caught up in telling God what He is able to do with us. How many of us have been called to do something and told God that we were too “something” to do it. Maybe you said that you were too old or too young? Maybe it was too quiet or too shy? It’s so easy to say what we can’t do but God’s response is that He’ll be with you.  This is where our faith must kick in. God never leads us to something that He won’t bring us through. It’s often a test of our faith but if He says that He’s with you that’s all that is needed.

Yesterday, I watched an awesome clip of a sermon called “The I AM Factor” by Bishop Tudor Bismark on YouTube. He is encouraging people that whatever we speak about ourselves, the universe has to react because that’s who God is. So when you say “I am victorious!” Victory starts looking for you! Or if you say “I am frustrated!” Every frustrating situation and thing that can will come to bother you. God is the great I AM so we should believe what He says about us! It was inspiring and exciting and really revved up my spirit to make some declarations over my life. I encourage everyone to watch it! As I thought more about it in relation to my journey, the idea of transforming your life with faith really started speaking to me. It wasn’t necessarily a new idea because the topic of faith has come up many times in this blog. But as I combined faith with speaking life, it seemed like a revelation to me in that moment. Faith has to be the essence of “The I AM factor” because in order for you to declare positive, life affirming messages over yourself, you need to believe in a God that is able to make those things come to pass.

In obedience, Gideon does a series of actions that God instructs him to do, most times asking for God to show him a sign that it’s really Him. The more I read the story, the more I asked God if I should change my name to Gideon! You see God has encouraged me to do different things in my life and I would look at my own strength and say, “I can’t do that, Lord. If it’s really you, give me some confirmation!” Does that sound familiar? When I stand on my faith and do what He has told me to do, there is always a blessing. Gideon goes on to defeat the Midianites in stunning fashion with only 300 soldiers. The journey to the victory is the key - He has to fight some rough battles and face some people who don’t respect him. But through it all, He listens to the Lord’s instructions and obeys. In the end, he is victorious and there is peace in the land.

What has your journey taught you? What lessons can you see now that you couldn’t see before? Or if you are in the midst of a storm, what safe places have you found? Even as you look back on this past year, can you see how God has guided you? Psalm 32:8 says “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Each step on this journey is building your faith, showing you that the God of Gideon is still the same today. He can fight any battle you have and He doesn’t need 10,000 to do it. He can do it with your own strength and His protection. He can transform you from the runt to the giant!

Be encouraged…God is faithful and present.

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