Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Are You Going to Do?

When 2012 started, I felt immediately that this year would be special! I knew that it was a year of restoration and reconciliation. I closed 2011 out with an expectation of great things to come in my life. I knew that 2012 would be my year. As the days started going by, it seemed like I was under constant attack and I wondered for a time where my breakthrough was. I looked around and many of my friends and family were unhappy or under attack themselves and I wondered if I had heard wrong. But then God reminded me that whenever you are going higher, there’s a price that has to be paid. Do you think the devil wants you to have joy? Do you think he’s sitting around hoping that you walk into your wealthy place? Do you think he’s telling his imps and demons to lay low so that you can have peace? NO! He’s going to fight you at every turn but the question is…what are you going to do?

I often think about Job when I’m going through a test or trial.  His story is a roadmap as to how to survive tribulation in your life. First, I remember that the devil couldn’t just go in and kill Job. God had to give him permission and even then he wasn’t allowed to kill him. That’s a good place to shout right there! God is the ultimate power and Satan is a created being. As much as he wants to be stronger and greater than God, he can’t because God made him and the creation can never out do the Creator! My point is that Satan will try all that he can to get you to look at your circumstance and curse God. The question is…what are you going to do?

You may be facing financial hardship, a rocky marriage, or a bad supervisor. Maybe your children are being disobedient or you are sick. Times are hard but think about Job! Job 1:13 – 22 tells us that in one day, Job lost all of his children, his servants, and his livestock. What did he do?  He fell to the ground and worshipped! Job 1: 22 says “In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God.” (NLT) Our flesh tells us that there is no way that we could do that. We want to scream and ask God why. But what would happen if you just deepened your worship instead of focusing on the problem? You see God has a way that is sweeter than anything we could do. “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa. 55:9) Instead of trying to get that husband to do what you want him to do, worship God! When your child doesn’t resemble the person you raised, give God your best praise. When your circumstances are saying give up…what are you going to do?

In Job 13, we find Job’s famous line, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” That’s a powerful statement, but I challenge you to read the entire chapter.  Job takes his case to God! He determines that he won’t allow man to be the judge and juror on his circumstances; he’s going straight to the Source. So often we let people dictate how we respond to the situations in our lives. When awful things happen and you keep speaking life and faith, people think you’re crazy and wonder why you aren’t somewhere moping and crying. We don’t have to give in to the world’s ideas. I'm not saying that you won't shed tears or feel pain but I am encouraging you to not let your circumstance overtake you. Take your situation to God directly and trust Him. Job did and “the Lord restored all of Job’s fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10)

So, don’t give up! Keep trusting God and being obedient to His Word! Make the decision to grab hold of peace and joy. Don’t let the enemy or man control your destiny! When your circumstances say die and the question is asked…what are you going to do? You stand strong and say I’m going to live! I will be like Job and worship God through this storm and I WILL WIN!


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