Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thank You, God!!

We serve an AWESOME God! A loving, forgiving, merciful, and willing God! As we come to the end of the year 2011, I just want to love on God!  I NEED to love on God! Have you ever felt like that? Like you just had to get a praise out or you would explode? I am here this week to tell you that God is a keeper. His Word is not just something cute to quote out of ritual or in a crowd where you think it will be well received. It is love. It is food for your soul. It is refuge in a storm. It is power to the weak. It is comfort for the sad. It is the only weapon you need in battle.  If you stand on the Word of God, you can find everything that you need. EVERYTHING! “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) The Word is Jesus Christ and this is why we celebrate him on Christmas.  He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He put on flesh for me, for you, for everyone. It doesn’t matter what day He was born, it just matters that He was!

So as we go into this Christmas weekend, let’s give God the glory! He loved us so much that He sent His ONLY son! And He sent Him to die…let that sink in for a moment! That’s an awesome kind of love. That’s why I have to give Him glory today. As recently as last night, I wanted to curl up in a little ball and scream and pout and have a little tantrum but I put my earphones in and let the Word minister to me as I slept. That’s why I tell you that you can find anything in the Word…I found rest!  I woke up refreshed and ready to press on for another day.

Just take a moment right now to think about what God has been to YOU this year. Has He been your Jehovah Jireh? Did He provide when you didn’t know how you would pay your bills? Was He your Jehovah Shalom? Did He give you peace in the midst of your challenges and storms? Has He been your Jehovah Rophi? Did He heal your body when the doctor said there was no way? Was He your Jehovah Shammah? Did you feel Him there in all your situations? He is an awesome God! He is Elohim, God ALMIGHTY! Just think… He has been all of this and more!

Give Him praise, friends!! Whenever, the enemy tries to remind you of your situation or your past, you remind Him of all that God is to you! If we submit to God, and resist the devil, He has to flee!!! So let’s give Jesus all the acknowledgement and praise that He deserves in this season! When someone tries to get you to not say Merry Christmas because it’s not politically correct, you remember your right to give your Savior honor! Let’s stand up for Jesus today! He has done so much for us! Are you grateful enough to be a little uncomfortable? Are you grateful enough to stand toe to toe with the enemy and declare His Word? YES! Take the challenge! Stand tall dressed in your full armor and fight the good fight today! God has prepared you…

I pray that you have a blessed and peaceful Christ centered Christmas. Even if you aren’t able to give a single physical gift, you can give the gift of Christ’s love! Many blessings....


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