Thursday, October 6, 2011

In the Middle

I wondered this week if I was getting it all wrong with this blog. The devil kept telling me over and over that I am not who God says that I am. He played on an old issue of mine – the need to be acknowledged. He tried to attack my mind and for a minute I started to give in to those thoughts. Nobody is reading it. Maybe I wasn’t hearing from God. Maybe I haven’t drawn as close to Him as I thought. Maybe, maybe, maybe…But even through the attack, my spirit kept crying out to God and contradicting what the enemy was saying. I made up in my mind that I was going to praise my way through. So whenever the enemy said something, I gave God the praise and glory! I rested in His Word and this morning, I felt the breakthrough!

I kept feeling an urgency to turn on the TV. The girls are usually watching The Wiggles or Mickey Mouse in the mornings so it was strange that Sanai wasn’t focused on the TV at all. So I turned it on and Joyce Meyers was saying turn to Romans 5:3. I did and I knew that word was for me! “There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!” Romans 5:3-5 (The MSG)

Then I remembered that a couple of weeks ago, God sent me a word through a strong woman of God that I had to keep writing in season and out of season. I didn’t know how soon that would come up because at the time I felt great about writing. But isn’t it awesome how God will prepare you. He knows the end from the beginning so He won’t allow Satan to sneak up on you. The key is seeking God regularly so that you are open to receive the preparation. I had to remember that I am on assignment to share God's word and give Him glory so why wouldn't Satan want to stop me?
Remember the story of Job, God had to give Satan permission to “consider” him. And when Satan attacked him and killed all of his children, what did Job do? He fell to the ground and worshiped God! “Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I'll return to the womb of the earth. God gives, God takes. God's name be ever blessed.” (Job 1:21) All of his children were dead but He blessed the name of God! How about you?

Are you in a storm right now? Have the circumstances in your life built up to the point where it’s hard to see around them? Praise your way through! In the middle of the storm, give God praise for the victory! You see, the enemy wants to keep you in a place of bondage. He wants you to give in to those circumstances and throw in the towel but the thing is, if you are saved, all Satan can do is want because Isaiah 53:5 says that the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. The Message Bible puts it this way, “He took the punishment, and that made us whole!”  Doesn’t that make you want to shout?! You don’t have to let the status of your bank account cause you to walk around with your head down. Your unsaved husband doesn’t have keep in you tears. Your crazy boss doesn’t have to raise your blood pressure.  Believe in your promise and not your reality! And give God praise for the promise!

My prayer for you today is that you would live and not die! That you remember that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. Remembering that when you praise God in the midst of the storm, you are taking the power away from the enemy and giving God the glory! Thank you, God for the victory…Amen!


rsmith5485 said...

Thanking God for your unique assignment of sharing God's word with us. Even through your experiences, that are like so many others, are an inspiration to me. I look forward to reading your blog each week and pray that God continues to use you in this mighty way. I am believing in God's promises!

kenij said...

Thank you so much! I really needed that and it was right on time. Praising Him right now!

Maurice said...

Thank You For Allowing God To Use You In Such A Powerful Way. Your words are encouraging, informative and uplifting. Very few if any knows my personal struggle, but your words and thoughts were right on time today. Thank You and Continue To Be Blessed

Anonymous said...

THANK you Saint! May you be strengthened and encouraged to adhere to the Savior to continue to bless us with His Word! His word never returns VOID. Therefore, I know you will keep on blessing us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing to be obedient!!! You are blessing more people than you know. Love you!!!!