Thursday, September 8, 2011

Don't Just Speak About It...

Recently, I’ve been really seeking God for direction and for confirmation and clarity on the purpose and calling that He has for me. It’s been an uncomfortable journey and the answers that He has given me have truly shocked me! I mean mouth open, eyes big, shaking my head shock! I’m still trying to find my footing and walk in what He would have me to do. In this experience, I’ve had to do some soul searching and repentance and really walk in truth. I have had to examine myself and be honest about my shortcomings and sins. I am still a work in progress but am confident that He who has begun a good work in me will complete it...
Well, Monday night, I was flat ironing my hair and very clearly heard “Tell them I am about to start uncovering some things”. If you have read this blog any amount of time, you know that I am real. So y’all know I was looking around like WHAT? I said God? My spirit next heard don’t just speak about it, be about it! I started shaking my head and I said, I cannot write about that. Who am I to tell somebody that? I can’t keep doing these preachy blogs, Lord! I have struggled with this since that night and every day since, God has sent some confirmation that I needed to address it. I prayed again this morning hoping that He would take this from me but on the way to work, another confirmation. So here I am.
In the end, what I think about you doesn’t matter. I am not your judge and neither is any man or woman that walks this earth. Only God can judge you and He is the one that counts. John 4:23 says “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” We have to worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH! How can we do that if we aren’t telling Him the truth? He already knows our every thought and move. But yet, we will pray and not acknowledge and repent for things we are doing that we know are not right. For example, when I was in college, I sang in the Gospel Choir but would get super drunk and/or be somewhere I had no business being the night before I sang or went to church!  I didn’t want to give that up so I just didn’t acknowledge it. I knew I was wrong but I didn’t want to expose myself to God. What I was missing was that He SAW me!  Now…don’t get caught up on what my sin was or the fact that I was in college because what you believe about drinking is not the point. I was willfully sinning. I knew it was wrong and felt that I was stepping outside of what I knew to be right but I kept doing it because I wanted to. Alot of people get messed up because they rationalize their sins and come up with all kinds of reasons why its okay...never mind...that's a whole other conversation!
But so much is happening now…there have been fires, hurricanes, tornados and an earthquake in the space of a couple of weeks. It’s time to stop playing games. God is not just warning unsaved people. He is talking to His people as well!  If we are professing to love God, and still hating people, then we have a problem. If we are telling people that the wages of sin are death, but we are still committing adultery, then we have a problem.  How can your prayers be answered if you have “secret sins”? We have to get this thing right! It’s not about being perfect but it is about being honest – with yourself and with God.
Jesus warned the disciples of this very thing in Luke 12: 2,3. “He said to them, "Watch yourselves carefully so you don't get contaminated with Pharisee yeast, Pharisee phoniness. You can't keep your true self hidden forever; before long you'll be exposed. You can't hide behind a religious mask forever; sooner or later the mask will slip and your true face will be known. You can't whisper one thing in private and preach the opposite in public; the day's coming when those whispers will be repeated all over town.”(MSG bible)
God knows our hearts and He wants us to be fruitful and blessed. Let’s be sure that we are living what we are speaking. Let’s be sure that when we go to God, that we are honoring Him with our honesty. God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness if we will repent!! That’s good news!  Be real with Him before He has to deal with us. In Luke 12: 4&5, Jesus warns us about worrying about man and having no fear of God. “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!”
Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” If you know better, please do better! If you aren’t sure, seek God for guidance and help. Read your Bible and pray that God forgives you for the sins you know about and the ones you don’t! Once we know something, we are responsible for that knowledge! Let’s show the devil just how little we think of him!
The devil is defeated! God is EXALTED!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome word ebony