Thursday, August 4, 2011

Where is Your faith?

As I sought the Lord for what to write about this week, I kept hearing the word faith. I thought …well that’s a big word, Lord, I don’t know if I can do it justice in a blog entry. But God kept saying it and reminding me that there are lessons on faith in everyone’s life so let’s get personal! I mean, if anything is personal, it’s your faith.
Recently, I’ve been coming up against situations that seemed to require super faith! There have been circumstances in my life and the lives of some of my closest friends and family that to man seem impossible. Have you ever been there?  You know… that place where you know that only God can work it out. It’s in those times, where you have to call on your faith. Do you have any?
You see, faith is not a passive word. It requires action…you have to believe in what you can’t see. You have to speak what has not yet come to pass. You have to praise like you already have the victory.  James 2:17 reminds us that faith without action is dead.  This is not always easy but if you endure, the rewards are great!
And the awesome thing is that God doesn’t require a boatload of faith. Jesus said”… if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain, “Move from here to there” and it will move. Nothing is impossible for you.” Isn’t that good news? He said NOTHING is impossible for you! So why don’t we put our faith into action?
Is it more comfortable for us to try it our own way? Easier to just give up? We have to know and remember the God that we serve is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think! You see, faith is Satan’s enemy. He is going to try all that he can to test your faith. He is going to send attacks and distractions to try and get you off course. The key is to recognize what is happening and call Satan the liar that he is!
Sometimes, though, the biggest test of our faith, is when God makes us wait. His time is not our time and his ways are not our ways. We can’t have deadline faith, where we give up when God doesn’t move by the time we think He should. We may have to face some trials and some setbacks. James 1:3 says “You know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance”. And as Job says, Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
But how do we get that kind of faith? There’s only one way that I know! Romans 10:17 says that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. You have to get into your Bible and see for yourself what God has done. You cannot survive on your mama’s faith or your praying grandmamma! You have to know for yourself that God is able and NOTHING is impossible with Him!
So this week, I challenge you to have a faith checkup! Read Hebrews 11 (the faith chapter) and see what faith has done in the lives of God’s great warriors. Then look at your own life and see what God has done for you. Hebrews 11:6 says that “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” That gives us even more motivation to build our faith. So put your faith to work and watch God!


rsmith5485 said...

This blog almost made me holler out at work and I KNOW I would have scared everybody. LOL! That was on time and oh so powerful! I was rewarded yesterday by my faith & I am so grateful! The enemy loves to tell me not to trust God, but I have faith and ALL of my trust is in God. Amen! On time babes...on time. God is truly using you and I am so glad He has put a woman of God in my life that is so encouraging. My joy is overflowing! (I know I said too

Ebony B said...
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Anonymous said...

Faith without works is indeed dead! Hearing this and also reflecting on what was said in service two weeks ago, has made me realize that I have been putting a time limit on God and my Faith. God has shown me things yet to come and yet I still dont move, or listen to what he has already told me. It is mine for the asking, so today no more its time I GET what is mine and start living in my VICTORY! God doesnt give us the spirit of fear and thats what I have been dealing with, so I thank you, for allowing God to use you to minister these words just for ME!! Overflowing in love, joy, peace and POWER! I have the VICTORY... God is not done with me yet! Love you sis, Kenya Riley!1

Alisha McKenzie said...

This is my first time reading your blog and I am blessed! I was just saying to myself in the car to work this morning that it amazes me that people give up on God because they ask for stuff and He doesn't do it right away. Why should God come right when we ask Him to and we will not make sacrifices for Him when he asks us to? People have to realize that God has already promised us... He said, "I shall supply!" It is not up to us to put a time on His promise it is up to us to keep the faith and to find Wisdom from reading the word.

Girl you about to make me go to church up here in work! They already think I am crazy blasting my music and singing but that is right because I am RADICAL for Him. I have come to far not to praise Him!